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English writing to finish in 20 days

Invest in your English writing for just 20 days and you will be able to speak and write sentences of 10 words or more.

English writing to finish in 20 days

◆ Genre: English learning mobile application
◆ Platform: AOS, iOS
◆ Target group: Users who want to write in English
◆ Launch country: Korea and global
◆ Service status

- 2016.04 ~ Present, approximately 100,000 downloads, Rating: 4.65(AOS), 4.5(IOS)

◆ Description
Invest in English writing for just 20 days

You will be able to speak and write sentences of more than 10 words.

If you practice enough, you will be able to say 1,500 long sentences like the following while thinking them.

<Sample sentences>
1. She takes the subway home after school.
2. He went to the library by himself on his bike.
3. We flew to the US last month to meet her.
4. They came in while I was sleeping.
5. I have to run upstairs to get my bag.
6. They want to go home early if possible.
7. I am going home to have dinner with my family. 8. When you called me, I was driving to the airport to pick up a friend.
9. Could you please tell them to go to that restaurant after work?
10. I should tell them to drive carefully.
11. I think he waited for a few minutes.
12. We will stay here until she gets back.
13. I am not sure if he bought a computer (or not) at that store.
14. I will ask him to come over and help us after school.
15. I know what you did last summer.
16. Tell me what I should do to make her happy.
17. I want to know what will happen to us in the future.
18. Tell me which one looks better.
19. She knows who you liked in high school.
20. I don't think he knows who was here yesterday. 21. Why don't you ask him where he had dinner with them?
22. You'd better tell me where she is now.
23. Find out how much it costs to buy a flat in London.
24. I don't know why it's so dangerous to go there alone.
25. It doesn't matter to me how old she is.
26. I don't know if he has a car (or not).
27. I'll send her what I have.
28. What he said isn't true.
29. I know an American girl he wants to take to a concert.
30. There's no one who can come and help us.
31. The people having dinner with Mary are her cousins.
32. The girls you liked in high school live here now.
33. I liked the food at that restaurant.
34. There are so many things I want to tell her.
35. Show me some shoes that are more expensive than these. 36. Give me all the money you have in your hand.
37. We are going to the mall where she is shopping now.
38. The store where I went to buy the computer had a lot of young people.
39. I remember the first day she came here.
40. That must be why he was upset.

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