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Speaking English - Writing Korean sentences

Writing Korean sentences in English - Instant English Writing - Speak English using voice recognition

Speaking English - Writing Korean sentences

◆ Genre: English learning mobile application
◆ Platform: AOS
◆ Target group: Users who want to write in English
◆ Launch country: Korea and global
◆ Service status

- 2018.01 ~ Present, approximately 60,000 downloads, rating: 4.74 (AOS)

◆ Description
- 8,200 sentences

Speaking about daily life in English, pattern English, overseas travel English, making sentences with 800 basic words, making long sentences, etc. 8,200 sentences to learn

- 3,000 words

Beginner, intermediate, advanced words, words by topic

1. 300 of my daily life
2. 2,500 long sentences
3. 500 frequently used sentences by Americans
4. 500 essential sentences for overseas travel
5. 250 core pattern English
6. 800 sentences using basic words
7. 130 questions and answers
8. American drama expressions 600 words

9. Intermediate word usage sentences 900 words
10. Advanced word usage sentences 1100 words
11. Basic idioms 300 words

12. [Words] Basic word usage 800 words
13. [Words] Basic word usage 190 words by topic
14. [Words] Intermediate word usage 900 words
15. [Words] Advanced word usage 1100 words

We learned a lot of English from books.
However, we practice speaking and listening hundreds of times to say 'Mom' instead of reading books.
Now, let's practice language with our ears, not with text.
Listen, speak, and memorize short sentences

If you memorize, listen, and speak a lot of short sentences, you will gain confidence in writing in English.

[Step 1 Learning Method]
1. Listen repeatedly without a script. 2. Follow the pronunciation

3. Think about what it means

4. Check it with the script

[2-step learning method]
1. Look at the Korean sentences and write them
2. Enjoy the fun of studying English through STT(Speech-to-text)!

※ Details

1. 300 daily routines of mine
=> I discuss the problem. I am so angry. I take a boat.

2. 2,500 long sentences
=> Practice long sentences such as go to school, She may take the bus to the mall after school to buy some clothes., etc. 2,500 sentences

3. 500 frequently used sentences by Americans
=> Trust me. Take care! Stop complaining.

4. 500 essential sentences for overseas travel
=> I'm here to travel. How long does the flight take? Where is the ticket office?

5. 250 Core English Patterns
=> I am ~, I will ~, Are you sure ~? There is no ~

6. 800 Basic Word Usage Sentences
=> Thank you for your act of kindness, I can swim

7. 130 Questions and Answers
=> What is this?, Where is he?, This is my book.

8. 900 Intermediate Word Usage Sentences
=> I feel very lonely because all of my friends went on vacation.

9. 1100 Advanced Word Usage Sentences
=> I prefer quality to quantity.

10. 300 Basic Idioms
=> agree/agrees to + plan, opinion, agree/agrees with + person

11. 600 American Drama Expressions
=> Calm your nerves. Catch you later. Allow me.

12. [Words] 800 basic words
=> act, fact, can, man, cat, fat, hat, camp, lamp, stamp, last, fast, bath, etc. 800 words

13. [Words] 900 intermediate words
=> enter, believe, note, pop, course, sleeve, score, business, oven, exam, honest, across, chat, guess, etc.

14. [Words] 190 basic words by topic
=> fruit, season, calendar, day of the week, number color, direction, animal, instrument, etc. 192 words

15. [Words] 1100 advanced words
=> basis, chase, damp, emergency, firm, goods, ignore, knowledge, etc.

#613, 140 Suyeonggangbyeon-daero, Haeundae-gu, Busan Korea (Busan Cultural Content Complex)
Tel : +82 51.900.9009  Email :

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